I recently had the profound privilege of working with Virginie Claret, an extraordinary energy healer who transformed my life. For years, I carried the weight of negative energy, trapped in a cycle of resentment and anger. Virginie’s intuitive understanding and unique healing approach cleared this burden, enabling me to forgive what I once deemed unforgivable. Her gentle yet powerful techniques, blending traditional and holistic practices, provided a nurturing environment that facilitated a palpable shift in my energy.

Since working with Virginie, I feel infinitely lighter and free. The emotional and energetic release brought a newfound sense of peace and joy, lifting a suffocating weight from my shoulders. Virginie's extraordinary talent and genuine dedication make her a true beacon of healing and hope. If you are struggling with negative energy or seeking a path to forgiveness and inner peace, Virginie is the guide you need. She has given me the priceless gift of freedom and lightness, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

Natalie Hetebry, Singapore

We met Virginie at a Maldives resort and it was trully the biggest highlight of our trip! From the treatment options I chose the integrative massage. Virginie was so intuitive, she straight away spotted my troubled areas and helped me rebalance and feel myself again. Such an out of the world experience! I would go back just for that! I hope we meet again.

Dalia Narmontas


If you feel a need for care and attention, Virginie is here. Thanks to her gift, my body slowly came back to life, my heart found new strengh… I could say so much about the effects of her treatments on my life, but the best way is to experience it. It’s your turn now ! Contact her, I recommend it strongly. Like me, you will be thankful to be treated by this woman so full of love.

Teresa,  Zürich

Merci d'être extraordinaire Virginie.

A.M, Suisse

It wouldn’t be right if I didn’t spread the word of my extraordinary experience of the exceptional bodywork of Virginie Claret. It’s difficult to describe what she does beyond saying she literally melts ones long standing pains and aches away with her healing hands. It should be de rigueur for everyone at the Amanoi  in Vietnam to experience her treatment.

Gianni Alen - Buckley,  London

I met Virginie at the Ananda Spa in the Himalayas. The session with Virginie was quite incredible! I could feel the flow of energy through my body while she worked. She could see into my soul - I felt recognised and aknowledged by her words and wisdom which have given me increased confidence  in my path and my strenghts. I felt joyous, energised and extremely peaceful after the session, something other people could immediately see.  I wish I could share her gift with so many other people I know!

Louise, South Africa

Virginie is very special to me because without saying anything her pure presence made me feel at ease. Her eyes sparkle and her whole body is energetic and her heart overflowing with love. And all that is very easy to absorb the moment you meet her.

She slightly touched different parts of my body and I imediately  felt this river of energy rushing through my entire body energizing and revitalizing every single cell of my body. At the same time she delivered wonderful messages with deep meanings for myself. 

After the session, which felt like endless bliss a very profound calmness came over me and I felt grounded, strong and almost like re-connected to my own source.  It is difficult to describe all the incredible beautiful things i experienced during my session with her, all I can say from the bottom of my heart that it is a divine experience, very powerful and I wish everybody could meet this lovely lady.

Stephanie, Brooklyn

We have spend a week in Amanzoe resort in Greece, as we needed, my husband and I, to recharge our battery.  I guess it was not a coincidence  that Virginie arrived at the same time. We have spend the whole week, being pampered by Virginie with all her positive vibes, love and care. You abandon yourself to her and she fills you with so much energy and positivity.

It was a wonderful experience that we will never forget!  We just wish the same experience to everybody and hope to see her soon.

L.G  France 

My session with Virginie was truly one of the highlights of my trip to the Peloponnese..maybe one of those things that was meant to happen for me! I felt remarquably well, light and grounded after our special session and continue to take time to reflect on her insight. Our time together has been deeply meaningful and valuable to me and I look forward to progressing my journey.

Jill, London, UK


The self destruct button that I have pressed my whole life when it looks likely that I might actually succeed at something has finally been removed by Virginie. The 'I can't ' and what was left of the old cry baby has gone. I took it all with me to India but now it's all gone for good. I waited a while, returned to England, and yes I now feel very different. I was able the whole time. Now that the veil has been removed I can see it.  Virginie has her own way of working, she knows what she's doing and you can trust her.  In an uncertain work Virginie is one of the good guys.  If you've just found her website then you're probably ready.

SG,   UK


Virginie, Thank you for helping me unlock my emotions to realise my true life values.

David, UK




Within the vast expanse of our inner worlds some of us are adventurers and explorers at times driven by a sense of need.  I have rarely found a guide to take me safely to some of my inner-most worlds, places inhabited by quietness.  Virginie lead me by an intuition that brings the kind of understanding and healing I long for.  There are many who guide but few with such care and wisdom as Virginie.  Thank you Virginie.  I hope we get to do more in the future.

Teddy G. New York City



Thank you Virginie for seeing inside my heart, understanding me and guiding me. The session with you was a great reinforcement and built my confidence. What amazes me is that I still feel light and positive- even after weeks of my return. I truly believe this has to do with the positive and healing energy you sent for me. I can feel it, it's beautiful. I also feel that I can see life in details, enjoy quiet moments and find joy in small things. I feel far more settled and happy. 

A.S. Dubai



Virginie is a unique healer with a rare insight to the body's historical trauma. She sees pathways to healing through the deepest layers. You will be changed by her work, visibly, tangibly changed. 

Nadiya Nottingham, New York City



I came from South Africa and was born when apartheid was at full throttle. When I came to the United States I was diagnosed with breast cancer. As immigrants and citizens of the world, we all have baggage! Virginie helped remove a lot of the burdens of my past. After a session with her, I literally felt lighter, freer, and more focused. With Virginie you will find a gifted practitioner who has the expertise to help you become more of the person you are meant to be. I'm looking forward to more healing sessions with her ".

 Louise, New York City


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the king's horses, and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.  

But Virginie Claret could...                            

D.R. New York City


After I have a massage from Virginie I feel changed. I haven't woken up and felt good in months and months. I had a massage on Sunday and by Tuesday I was waking up happy and clear. I think the experience is much more than a massage. It is a spiritual and emotional  cleansing. It is a physical alignment. I live in Toronto and will travel often to New York City for her massage. 

 Paula Silver,  Toronto



The very thought of Virginie brings a smile to my face, her presence in this world-literally touching people, and changing our lives for the better. For me, Virginie not only helped my body heal a physical back injury, she also healed the spinning unfocused energy of stress and all the havoc it wreaks on ones' ability to just be and enjoy the moment one is in.  Whereby allowing for deeper breaths, more sound sleep, and an indelible grounded feeling of peace.                                                                                                                   

Pholomi, New York City


You don’t need ayahusca, you just need Virginie

Bogdan, Ibiza

Extraordinary experience in Ibiza. Accustomed to massages for many years, this is the first time I have had such results. Suffering from my legs (water retention, swelling, heat, redness) after the 1  session the symptoms very much disappeared. I thought this wouldn't last and I would need to do it again with other masseurs ... Well I was wrong: almost 4 months later no symptoms returned. It's just incredible. 

Thank you Virginie for what you did, really looking forward to seeing you again.

You can go to see here without any hesitation, Virginie is a person you will remember.

Yann R. Slovenia


C'est dans l'espace du cœur que j'ai rencontré Virginie, un temps hors du temps, une Femme de lumière... Elle a l'écoute, elle a l'appel, elle ressent ce qui a besoin d'être harmonisé, c'est un moment de confiance qui vous permet d'aller au-delà de vous! Merci pour le travail que tu fais, ici et dans d'autres contrées...
Que les étoiles guident encore longtemps cette route-là!

Samalie,  Suisse


Vous sentez que vous avez besoin qu'on s'occupe de vous. Virginie est là. Grâce à son don, mon corps s'est doucement  mis en mouvement, mon coeur a repris des forces. J'aurais tant à dire sur ce qu'a produit son traitement dans ma vie, mais le meilleur moyen c'est de vivre cette expérience. Maintenant c'est à vous ! Prenez contact avec elle, je vous le conseille vivement. Vous serez alors comme moi, reconnaissante d'avoir été soignée par cette femme pleine d'amour. 

Teresa,  Zürich


Recevoir un soin de Virginie c'est être transporté dans un monde subtil, léger, fluide et libre. Je suis de nature craintive aux soins énergétiques, car j'ai parfois peur de me sentir manipulée. Avec Virginie rien de pareil. A l'aide de sa nature souriante et accueillante, elle pratique son soin dans un cadre sécurisant et structuré, ce qui me permet de pouvoir dialoguer avec elle en toute confiance.  J'ai reçu un soin de lecture et harmonisation de l'aura et cela a été très bénéfique pour avancer dans ma vie actuelle.  J'ai ainsi pu déceler où j'avais des blocages, et où je pouvais trouver des solutions pour progresser sur mon chemin de vie. Et cela donne de l'énergie, de la joie et de la santé!  Virginie est une très belle personne, je ne peux que la recommander. Encore Merci! 

         Denyse,  Suisse



Le temps d’un soin avec Virginie constitue une parenthèse très ressourçante.
C’est un espace pour soi, un moment de recentrage et d’abandon des tensions et soucis, dans la confiance.  Avec finesse et légèreté, et surtout beaucoup d’intuition, Virginie sait accompagner dans une démarche visant à lâcher le superflu.  Après une séance, je me sens nettoyée et beaucoup plus légère.  En résumé, une très belle expérience que je peux recommander."

Dominique, Suisse